Submissions Page 1

Our Friendly Town of Alvinston
My wife and I lived in Huron Park a place you all know well.
When one day my daughter Lydia and my granddaughter Amber Lei said, come on down to Alvinston, it’s the only place to be.
There’s a beautiful home here in Alvinston just waiting for you to move in. The scenery here is out of this world it’s the best place that you’ve ever seen.
There’s the arena just down the street from us, the staff does so much for our kid’s. They keep them so busy, it keeps them off the streets.
There’s the library, the staff are so gentle and kind. It doesn’t matter what you are looking for, they will surely find.
There’s the municipality building, the people who work there are really nice. It’s on the main street in Alvinston and you all have been there once or twice.
There’s our mayor Don McGugan who takes care of business all around and works very hard to make sure our little town of Alvinston runs smooth and great as a hot roast beef dinner plate.
There’s so much to tell about Alvinston I couldn’t put it all in words. If you want to find out come on down, let your kids play and I’m sure you would want to stay.
I think that we people who live in Canada are the luckiest people on the planet. I’m so proud to be a Canadian living in Alvinston.
By Patrick D. Jessome
By Theresa Van Koeverden Camlachie
By Theresa Van Koeverden (Camlachie)
The Tale of the Alvinston Bee
There’s a bee in a field, and he’s holding a sign,
When you drive into Alvinston on ‘79.
But, that bee is just new, and has not been there long;
He endured through the winter, which proves he is strong.
Where’d he come from, you ask? Well, I’ll tell if you like,
He was told by his swarm to “Just go! Take a hike!”
They said, “You’re a BUZZKILL! You’re not that much fun.”
So he flew off to find his own, place in the sun.
He would find a new hive, he would do as he pleased,
At one point he thought, he might join KILLER bees!
But, he knew that was crazy and somewhat absurd,
Cause those bees were dangerous, and he was a nerd.
He buzzed around looking, for a place he could stay,
He passed lots of old wasp nests, made out of clay.
He searched high and low, till he spotted a hive,
But, the bees who lived there, wouldn’t let him inside.
The Queen threw a fit and buzzed in his ear,
“You best make a BEELINE! Have I made myself clear?”
“Quite clear,” said the bee, as his stinger hung low,
“Have you any suggestions of where I might go?”
It was useless to speak, because nobody heard,
With the humming so loud, you could not hear a word.
By now, he was frantic, as he darted around,
Searching for someplace to live in this town.
He spoke to some hornets, and a bumblebee too,
He was starting to worry. Oh what would he do?
“I’ve been looking for days, for a place to call home,”
“Cause it gets awful lonely, being out on your own.”
The bumblebee said, “Well, you know we’re the same,”
“We’re considered quite social. Do you have a name?”
It didn’t take long for the bee to reply,
“I’m homeless AND nameless! Oh, I fear I may cry.”
With that his new friend said, “Cheer up!, Come with me.”
“I know of a spot. It’s a “SWEET PLACE TO BE”.”
“I’m sure you will love it. It’s right on the money.”
“It’s your very own place of MEAD and HONEY.”
They flew lickety-split, amongst flowers and weeds,
He soon saw the sign, it was just the BEE’S KNEES!
“I have finally found it! My place in the sun.”
“I can watch all the traffic and wave to each one.”
“I’ll wear a big smile, as I point to the sign,”
“That tells of events, temperature and the time.”
The bumblebee said, “There’s one more thing to do,”
“We must give you a name. A name that suits you.”
“You might become famous! Maybe known far and wide!”
“Or maybe a landmark, showing where you reside?”
Cats and dogs all had names, mice and ducks had names too,
Even a skunk was named “Pepé Le Pew”.
After serious thought, all the strain on his brain,
Had finally paid off, he had thought of a name.
He said, “this worked for a chipmunk, so why not for me?”
“That’s how “ALVIN” became the “ALVINSTON BEE”!”
Written in 2015 by: Cora Mae Woodfield
Colours of a Brights Grove winter
Submitted by Teresa Sowinski
A mild Christmas Eve under the Bluewater Bridge
Submitted by Teresa Sowinski
Painted by Michael O’ Brien (Victoria Playhouse in Petrolia)
Submitted by Kate McDonald
Painted by Michael O’Brian. House on Mandaumin (painted 30 years ago) Submitted by Kate McDonald
Fabric Rainbow Trout Purse. Hanging in a tree in Canatara Park. Created by Kate McDonald. Sarnia
Peggy’s Winter submitted by Peggy Shand

Stained Glass Art by Leroy Riley of Walpole Island First Nation Community

Nothing says “Sarnia” to us more than our favorite beach!
Jen Glaister
Painting by Annie McLaughlin (Corunna, Ontario)
Colouring Sarnia
by Hanna Stalmach
By Hanna Stalmach The Watson Trail
By B. Perrin (Inwood) submitted by John Drage
By Peggy K. Fletcher

By Carmen Laurenza Ziolkowski from Sarnia, Ontario